Last week, I could have a chance to have a training from Samex LLC. It was a great opportunity that I could learn about the importance of productivity and the way to make myself productivity in this COVID-19 Pandemic.

I would like to share the key points I could gain from the training into two post review 1 and 2 pages.
How to become more productive in your business and life
1. Habits & Productivity
1.1. How to become more productive
· Get more Joint Venture (JV) partners, even if they aren’t connected.
· More promotion
· Training of their employees and outsourcers
· Create more products, articles, blog posts, video
· Winning the outer victory and winning the inner victory. (how we go about)
1.2. Winning the outer Victory
· Directly affect your business
· From successful habits
· Tackle big goals- helpful (Start and finish projects)
· Upgrade decisions and mange time
· Assess and re-assess (New idea/what we need to do to improve)
· Take imperfect action (Implement-take the idea and put them in – consistently)
1.3. Developing Successful Habits
· F: focus on one thing at a time (daily routine basis)
· O: Overcome challenges (Understand the idea and don’t procrastinate / move forward). Remind yourself with a trigger (get yourself back to work). Replace thing you are changing (replace something that directly impact to you that gives you energy). Remove your temptations. Rely on accountability partners (talk to them and get help from them to hold yourself)
· Recognise that quality counts (consider customer – get motivated and be productive
· Maintain for 21 days (3 weeks) will become your habit to you
· Focus on building one habit first. Decide one successful habit
2. Projects & Goals
2.1. Start and finish projects
· Incentives can give yourself (reward ourselves)
· What really reward yourself? – accomplishing your goal
2.2. Trackling Big Goals (Secrets to achieving goals)
· Goals that you get the point / set sub goals that leads you to get ultimate goal
· S: specific goal, M: Measurable (something we can qualify), A: Actionable, R: Relevant: goal to be relevant to a big goal, T: Time bound (set at specific time and point), P: persistence (have to anticipate the obstacles)
· Assign A completion date for each step
· Make yourself accountable
· Take the next step
3. Time Management
3.1. Upgrading Decisions
· Stop deciding between good and bad choices
· Bring up your decisions between good, better and best possible outcomes (Close to your goal)
· Anything that leads to bad outcomes can and should no longer be a factor
· Patience before action is taken (exercise patience)
· Think about potential result (based on multiple factors)
· If your decision making deals with the most or multiple facts (Pareto Principle: The 80/20 Rule)
· Future Consequences
3.2. Saving time
· Breakdown Goals into Tasks
· Develop Checklists for Tasks (allow you to outsource the tasks)
· Creating checklist (we can buy it (hire someone), simple set, Interview someone, ask experts (Books), Search existing checklists.
3.3. Tools for Management
· Wunderlist
· You could start work at 7am (with the discipline to get up early) and you could be finished by 12pm! You could have the whole rest of the day free.