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챡 리뷰 | 한계를 거부하는 다재다능함의 힘 폴리매스.
한계를 거부하는 다재다능함의 힘 폴리매스. 저자 소개: 여러나라에서 살았으며, 학사와 석사는 경제 쪽을 나왔으며 신경과학 박사 과정을 하였다. 그리고 그는 예술감독이다. 서로 연관 없어 보이는 다양한 영역에서 출중한 재능을 보이는…
[Book Review] 그릿 GRIT
The Power of Passion and Perseverance IQ, 재능, 환경을 뛰어넘는 열정적 끈기의 힘: GRIT – 저자: 엔젤라 더크웍스 | 김미정 옮김 나에게 열정적인 일은 무엇인가? 그 일을 하면서 시간 낭비라 생각하지…
난생 처음 주식 투자 [책 리뷰]
이 책을 읽은 후 주식에 대한 견해 및 주식 투자를 위한 태도가 바뀌었다. 주식 투자는 흔히 말하는 대박 한방을 위해 운에 맞기는 도박의 개념이 아닌 은행보다 더 높은 이자를 주는…
BTS Billboard “Are they have to serve national Army?” Issue in South Korea
The seven members of the K-pop group BTS, warded top the Billboard’s Hot 100 charts as the first South Korean. “Dynamite” was the song to put BTS, which recorded more…
Review 2 – Samex LLC Training
How to become more productive in your business and life In this post, how to make balance in our daily life time and in our business life. Also, personal review of…
Review 1 – Samex LLC Training
Last week, I could have a chance to have a training from Samex LLC. It was a great opportunity that I could learn about the importance of productivity and the…
Python coding: Heap Sorting example (Movie buddies)
Task : Finding the top-k users The first feature that she wants to add is rewards for top-k users of the app each month. Specifically, she has written a script that…
Python coding: Radix Sorting (Movie buddy recommendation)
Task : Sorting recommendation Tom has written a script to obtain a file called favoriteMovies.txt which contains favorite movies for each user. The favorite movies for each user are not listed…
The Five Design Sheet Methodology (Fds Methodology) Example
Five-Sheet design (Fds) Methodology Five-sheet design methodology is a sketch based that when user want to brainstorm our visualisation idea. It has five different sections that. Sheet 1 is the…
Data Wrangling and Exploration Tutorial
Data Wrangling and Exploration In this post, we are going to look at how to do Data Wrangling by using Python Pandas library in Jupyter, and for data visualisations we…
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